How long it takes to get monetized on youtube 2022

How long it takes to get monetized on youtube 2022

How long it takes to get monetized on youtube 2020

The YouTube Monetization Process can be pretty confusing, so Read to learn how you can make money off your YouTube videos. Hey guys, what's up!?Today I'm going to be talking about the YouTube monetization process.

 It's changed a lot throughout the years and I still get questions all the time asking me how to get monetized on YouTube, which is basically how you make money off your videos, so I thought I'd finally explain it. Also since 2022 is just around the corner, drop a comment with your YouTube goals you want to accomplish in the next year. Then go and comment on someone else's goal and give them some encouragement or wish them luck, all of us can use that extra boost in motivation. 

But anyways, let's get started with the video! So while you guys are dropping your 2022 YouTube goals in the comments, I'll quickly break down the minimum requirements you need to have before you can make money from your videos. This is a screenshot I got from the YouTube support website but it clearly says that you need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch-time within the last year to start the review process of getting monetized. 

How long it takes to get monetized on youtube 2020
I know some of you might be freaking out thinking to yourself that you'll never hit those numbers, but I promise you that if you put enough work into it, you will. Personally, I think getting 1,000 subscribers is much easier than the 4,000 hours of watch-time because according to the requirements, it's just saying you need to have 1,000 subscribers at any time. The 4,000 hours of watch-time have to all be gained within 1 year, 12 months, 365 days, you get it. Also, I don't think I asked in the beginning of the Post but drop a like if you're enjoying the Post so far.

 It really helps the channel grow and it shows me that you guys are enjoying the content. But if you guys are curious how to get to 1,000 subscribers faster or how to get 4,000 hours of watch-time faster. I don't think most of you Reading this know but before the 1,000 subscribers requirement and the 4,000 watch hours requirement, it was much easier to get monetized on here.

All you needed was 10,000 video views on your YouTube channel, added up across all your videos, and I think that was it. The issue with that though was that it was way too easy to get monetized and then people were taking advantage of the system. 

And that's just not good for advertisers, so since then, YouTube changed it all up and these have been the requirements for a few years now. Something to note though is that when they first changed the requirements, there was a swarm of new applications coming in that YouTube had to approve for people to get monetized. So once meeting the requirements, sometimes it would take people months to get approved for the YouTube Partner Program. 

These days however, it seems to take less than a month from when you qualify to actually getting the email saying that you're now able to monetize on YouTube. I've done a lot of research for this video and even asked some friends who recently got monetized, and what I've noticed is that people have been getting monetized within the week they meet the requirements now instead of it taking months like it used to. Which is great news honestly for those of you on the grind.

How long it takes to get monetized on youtube 2020

 One thing I definitely want to address is that YouTube is not by any means a way to get rich insanely quick. Sure some people have pulled it off but it's not the case for everyone and I just want to address that. It can take a while to finally make money on YouTube, and I'm talking months or years even. Band then it can take even longer to make "very good" money, but if you're truly passionate about creating content and it's all you think about, and it's what you love doing, then it will all pay off.

 If you don't care about it like that and just want to get rich quick, I recommend looking at other ways to make money cause you would probably find more success doing something you're passionate about. Anyways one thing you can do to speed up the monetization process is getting your Google Adsense account setup early. 

A lot of people wait to get approved for monetization on YouTube and then they apply for Google Adsense, which to me just seems like a huge waste of time. The approval process for Google Adsense is definitely time consuming so you might as well get it done early. Because they go through and verify a ton of things so getting it out the way makes the most sense. 

They'll send you a little letter with a code that you have to type into their website, that will then confirm who you are. Then they also ask you for your bank account information, so they can send the money you make on YouTube to your bank when you're monetized and need to get paid. They usually send you a small amount of money, like pennies, that you go and type in on their website to confirm it's the right bank account linked with Google Adsense. After that, I think you have to enter in tax information too because when you're getting paid, you usually gotta pay taxes too. 

The rules are definitely different based on where you live and how old you are, so take the time to look into that if you can, but other than that, you should be good to go! Another way to speed up the monetization process on YouTube is by just making longer videos because if all you're making are 4 minute videos, it will take you a long time to get the 4000 watch hours. So when you're making longer videos, you end up getting more watch minutes because there's more of the video for the viewer to actually sit through, which then adds up to more watch hours. 

Like I said before, getting the subscribers is pretty easy in comparison to the watch hours. But if you're struggling with that, just try some pretty basic tips like even encouraging people to subscribe more. I promise you it helps out a lot. And speaking of that, if you guys are enjoying the video so far and want to watch more YouTube help videos, definitely subscribe to my channel and hit the like button while you're at it.

 But yeah, like I said before I've already made videos covering the details of both getting more watch hours and getting more subscribers. They'll be linked in the description below so be sure to check them out if you havent' seen them already. For those who are still Reading, let me know what topic you want me to talk about next and I'll get that Post done as soon as I can! if you enjoyed I'll see you in the next one! Peace. 
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