How To Grow With 0 Views And 0 Subscribers

How To Grow With 0 Views And 0 Subscribers

How To Grow With 0 Views And 0 Subscribers

Today i'm going to talk about the top five features in tubebuddy that will help you get more views and more subscribers for your youtube channel so tubebuddy is a chrome browser plugin and a lot of it is about youtube optimization but also about productivity,

 But today we're going to focus more on the optimization side one of the best features in this entire tool is number one it's keyword explorer tool the keyword explorer tool will let you go ahead and type in some ideas for titles and tags for your videos kind of like you would in a youtube search manually the great thing about this is it can go ahead and tell you uh the search volume for those videos roughly whether there's more people searching for this thing or not.

It can give you recommendations on different titles and tags and things that people are searching for and how competitive it is the great thing about this means that if there is a keyword that you think would really matter for your audience or a title that would matter but a lot of people are searching for it and there's low competition that is a huge opportunity for you or even if there's not a lot of people searching for it but there's no competition then that means that you could serve the people that are looking for that and it might be a small audience but you could absorb all of them and so in the long run that could really matter for your channel especially if you're a growing channel.

If you're a small channel so i think that that's great obviously it also has an auto suggest tool that'll give you more tags that you can utilize so i really just think the keyword explorer tool is one of the fundamental things that makes tubebuddy an amazing tool and you can get more viewers which leads to more subscribers if you use it right let's move on to feature number two the search ranking tool the search ranking tool is tied to the keyword explorer but the way it works is after a video is public and live you can use the search ranking tool and you can see the real-time results for how each one of your keywords is ranking in youtube search right this moment and it is accurate it is very accurate and so if you look at that you might want to adjust and it might mean that you're going to change or alter your titles tags and descriptions for those video tags to rank better.

I did this for videos that i thought were under performing for old videos that i thought could get more views and more traction and it resulted in like one of my videos that is like the second most watched video on the channel right now which i believe is the um five businesses you can um start from home right now it's something like that this video was under performing for the first six months of its lifetime i went back and optimized in tubebuddy and also gave it a new thumbnail fresh coat of paint and this video skyrocketed and today it is still one of the videos that gets the most views out of anything.

How To Grow With 0 Views And 0 Subscribers

I put out for the entire month so this really matters being able to figure out whether your keywords are ranking well for your existing videos going back and optimizing them using this tool could bring new life to your channel get you new subscribers from your old content feature number three the best time to upload report if you've ever wondered what the best day and the best time to upload to youtube is you know that there are a lot of you know not great answers out there there's no specific date and time that's the best to upload for every single channel just your channel so this data report analyzes your existing content and decides based on that.

 when your viewers actually watch your videos and will give you a recommended day and time that would be the best time for you to upload new content so i would take advantage of this because this data is based on your channel and that's what really counts because it's about your audience what works for somebody else may not work for you so data that's specific to your channel is really good to have and that's one of the better features i think overall about tubebuddy is the data is specific to your channel number four the youtube scheduling tool so the youtube scheduling tool in tubebuddy can actually override the youtube scheduling tool that's just built into the dashboard.

Because if you decide to upload your video and uh you forget to market a schedule then you make it unlisted or something like that you don't market as private it may not net let you go back and decide that no no i wanted to schedule that to go out at a certain time but this particular tool in tubebuddy would let you decide when that's going to go public regardless of what the uh setup for the video is it could be public private or whatever and you could go ahead and make it private again or make it unlisted and then said to go live when you want in tubebuddy so if you need a video to be unlisted for you know a couple of days while a sponsor approves it or something like that and you want it unlisted so that they can look at it and the rest of your uh audience can't and you want to go live on a specific date so you don't just have to go back and do anything.

Because they're gonna say yes everything's fine with the content this could be extremely helpful or if you're gonna be on vacation for a couple of days and you wanna go ahead and upload all of your content for the week and set it and forget about it this is perfect so you can go ahead and do that and this is a great tool for that the reason this is going to help you get more views and subscribers is what if you have a video that you want to release on a specific date because something big is going to happen around that date and you have content for it this just makes that process easier also.

If you're combining this with the data that you got on when the best time to upload is hint hint that's going to really work out for you and finally feature number five feature number five about tubebuddy that i think will help you get a ton of views and subscribers is the bulk upload the facebook feature so you can directly publish a video from tubebuddy to facebook as long as you're logged in and you've linked the account and you don't have to do anything else it's a one-click thing but here's the beauty of it you can also bulk publish directly to your facebook schedule when those videos are gonna release on your facebook page and that can help you out uploading natively to facebook might sound counter-intuitive it might sound like you're competing with your youtube channel.

How To Grow With 0 Views And 0 Subscribers

But the thing is if there are people in facebook who've never heard of you more exposure for your brand more exposure for your content letting people know you have a youtube channel that could really help and then you can get all of that traction not to mention if your videos have like sponsorship tied to them this could help out with that or if you're using affiliate marketing or if your videos sell something this will make you more money and give you more exposure on top of it and again you can still get more views and subscribers out of it so i definitely think it's worth exploring i think it's another great feature within tubebuddy and part of the whole tool set that just helps out youtubers .

So if you want to grab tubebuddy go ahead and i think it'll help the far majority of you especially if you use these five features that i showed you so that you can get more views get more subscribers get more exposure for your channel and for your brand as always you guys thanks so much for Read this Post.
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